GLOBAL S.L.P. stands as a leading provider of smart farm assurance solutions, offering a comprehensive suite of standards dedicated to ensuring safe and responsible livestock production. Our approach to certification is holistic, shaped through collaborative efforts with industry experts and backed by the robust integrity program of GLOBAL S.L.P.
Download the presentation dossier of GLOBAL S.L.P. where we explain in a clear and summarized way what we do and what we are.
What Sets Apart
GLOBAL SMART LIVESTOCK PRACTICES serves as a collective initiative, uniting stakeholders across the entire livestock supply chain. Its primary objective is to establish itself as the mainstream standard, driving the promotion, maintenance, updates, and organization of the existing GLOBALG.A.P. livestock standard and its associated add-ons.
Our commitment extends beyond certification to a dedicated capacity-building program. This program empowers global producers with practical insights into responsible farming practices, facilitating certification attainment, adaptation to market dynamics, and contribution to international sustainability goals. Today, GLOBAL S.L.P. solutions are synonymous with some of the most esteemed and globally recognized livestock standards, influencing farmed product trade across over 20 countries.
GLOBALS.L.P. undertakes the responsibility of the GLOBALG.A.P. LIVESTOCK legacy, upholding its foundational pillars on a global scale and delivering services to livestock producers and value chain stakeholders.
As the rightful heir to this legacy, GLOBAL S.L.P. aligns its efforts with GLOBALG.A.P. to propagate common core values and principles within respective product value chains. GLOBAL S.L.P. represents an initiative uniting companies and professionals across the livestock supply chain, striving to champion the sustainable production of livestock products (meat, dairy) in harmony with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Guiding Principles
Our Vision - What Drives Us?
We envision a world where farms receive recognition for their ongoing commitment to producing ample safe food while simultaneously preserving the environment and the well-being of farming communities.
Our Mission - How We Pursue Our Vision
We collaborate with stakeholders throughout the supply chain to encourage the global adoption of safer and more sustainable farming practices. Our commitment involves providing industry-leading, cost-effective, and value-enhancing assurance and benchmarking solutions.
Our Core Belief - What Shapes Us?
Every generation holds the inherent right to access safe food. To safeguard this right, both now and for future generations, farms worldwide must produce food in ways that are socially and environmentally responsible and resilient.
The Global Livestock Standard
Improving a Standard, offering solutions for a large community of Producers, Certification Bodies, Consultants and Members.
Certification Bodies
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