At the service of the producer
Recognized Consultants
Registered Trainers support producers in achieving GLOBAL S.L.P. certification. All Registered Trainers have completed a GLOBAL S.L.P. training and passed the final exam. They are authorized to use official GLOBAL S.L.P. training material and offer GLOBAL S.L.P. recognized trainings to producers and other interested parties.
By becoming a Recognized Consultant you will be able to train farmers (or other interested parties) on the implementation of GLOBAL S.L.P. standards.
Why Become a Recognized Consultant?
Being a Recognized Consultant means you are exceptionally qualified to educate farmers and other interested parties in implementing GLOBAL S.L.P. standards. These standards are adopted by producers in more than 20 countries and serve as a vital requirement for suppliers to prominent food retailers.
Recognized Consultants are authorized to deliver training using GLOBAL S.L.P. materials and are endorsed by GLOBAL S.L.P.
Enroll in the program to distinguish yourself and solidify your association with the GLOBAL S.L.P. brand.
Recognized Consultants Benefits
1 - Extra visibility …
2 - Public affiliation …
This seal is updated yearly and can be used in your communication channels and on marketing materials. Use of the Recognized Consultant seal confirms your status as an approved training provider and adds value to your business with a trusted global brand name.
3 - Training promotion …
4 - Life-long learning …
5 - Free training materials …
… for your trainings. With these materials you will be ideally prepared to lead training sessions. English and Spanish IFM training materials are guaranteed. Where GLOBAL S.L.P. training materials are used for Registered Trainer trainings, we also provide a certificate template that may be used for course participants.
6 - Priority status …
A CB can have one of three statuses:
Provisionally approved: The CB has successfully passed the first steps of the GLOBAL S.L.P. approval process in accordance with the general regulations and is allowed to issue non-accredited certificates to a limited number of producers for a respective scope and sub-scope(s).
Approved: The CB has completed all the steps of the GLOBAL S.L.P. approval process (including accreditation) and can issue an unlimited number of accredited certificates for a respective scope and sub-scope(s).
Suspended: The CB has been given a red card and is suspended in accordance with the general regulations.
Performance ratings were established to promote continuous improvement of the CB. Regardless of their rating, all CBs listed may be chosen for certification.
Temporary suspension (red card) and cancelations of a CB are explicitly indicated next to the CB name. These CBs cannot be chosen for certification while the sanction is in effect.
Ratings range from 1 to 5 stars:
1 Unacceptable, low performance
2 Major improvement necessary
3 Some improvement necessary
4 Good performance
5 Excellent performance
Hover your mouse over the stars in the performance rating column to see the key performance indicators (KPIs) used for the rating.
Rating pending: There is not yet enough evidence collected within the evaluation criteria to establish an overall KPI rating. This does not mean bad performance.
Red Card: Suspension of the CB in accordance with the general regulations. Please note: cards are displayed as flags in the table below.
Yellow Card: Sanction imposed on the CB in accordance with the general regulations. Please note: cards are displayed as flags in the table below.
Member Seal: The CB is a GLOBAL S.L.P.. associate member. Read more here.
What can a Registered Trainer do for you?
As a producer, attending a training provided by a Registered Trainer is one of the best ways to prepare yourself for the path to certification or certification renewal.
Recognized Consultants are trained in a specific scope or product category for the Integrated Farm Management (IFM) standard, and can break it down into comprehensible, practical steps. By the end of the training, you will understand the requirements you need to fulfil in order to achieve GLOBAL S.L.P. certification and have gained a well-rounded understanding of the GLOBAL S.L.P. certification system as a whole.
Even if you are already GLOBAL S.L.P. certified, attending a training can prepare you for IFM standard updates or give you an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the system behind your certification standard.
Recognized Consultants may also offer consultancy and other services to producers. Please contact your Recognized Consultant of choice to find out more about the services they offer.
Why choose a Recognized Consultant?
You may find consultants or trainers who offer unofficial assistance with GLOBAL S.L.P. standards. However, they are not authorized or trained by GLOBAL S.L.P., so they may have outdated or incorrect knowledge. Only by choosing a Registered Trainer can you be sure you will receive correct, up-to-date information through an approved training.
All Registered Trainers are vetted by GLOBAL S.L.P. They must attend an Integrated Farm Management course provided by GLOBAL S.L.P. and pass the subsequent exam with a score of at least 80% in each part (there are two parts).
How to find a Recognized Consultant?
Recognized Consultants
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Region: South America
Country: Argentina
Status: Approved
Greiska am
Region: South America
Country: Argentina
Status: Approved
QA Global Group
Region: Middle East and Oceania
Countries: Saudi Arabia and Pakistan
Status: Approved
Mascontrol Consultores S.A.S.
Region: South America
Country: Colombia
Status: Approved
Cerasus Unipessoal Lda
Region: Europe and Africa
Countries: Portugal, Angola and Mozambique
Status: Approved
Sana Sana
Region: Europe
Country: Spain
Status: Approved
César Álvarez Carro
Region: Europe
Country: Spain
Status: Approved
Sergiy Pokhyla
Region: Europe
Country: Ukraine
Status: Approved
Ingeniería y Consultora Triada
Region: South America
Country: Chile
Status: Approved
Musechi Enterprises Limited
Region: Africa
Country: Zambia
Status: Approved
The Global Livestock Standard
Improving a Standard, offering solutions for a large community of Producers, Certification Bodies, Consultants and Members.