Added value and customer reassurance
Chain of Custody
Find your Certification Body
Become part of the vision with community membership
GLOBAL S.L.P. Community Membership is our invitation to you: Join us in advancing safe, socially and environmentally responsible farming practices all over the world. Help us connect producers and suppliers, improve GLOBAL S.L.P. certification, create a benchmarking framework, and promote awareness for safe food production and sustainable resource management.
Chain of Custody Standard Benefits
The CoC standard is therefore an essential tool for safeguarding product integrity from farm to retailer, reducing the risk of food fraud and enabling a quick response if problems arise.
1 - Identifies GLOBAL S.L.P. certified products
2 - Strict Requirements
3 - Identification Number
Obligatory for companies that label products with a GLOBAL S.L.P. identification number (e.g., GSLP, CoC Number) or participate in the GSLP label initiative
4 - Chain transparency and product integrity
Enhances supply chain transparency and product integrity, providing added value and customer reassurance
A CB can have one of three statuses:
Provisionally approved: The CB has successfully passed the first steps of the GLOBAL S.L.P. approval process in accordance with the general regulations and is allowed to issue non-accredited certificates to a limited number of producers for a respective scope and sub-scope(s).
Approved: The CB has completed all the steps of the GLOBAL S.L.P. approval process (including accreditation) and can issue an unlimited number of accredited certificates for a respective scope and sub-scope(s).
Suspended: The CB has been given a red card and is suspended in accordance with the general regulations.
Performance ratings were established to promote continuous improvement of the CB. Regardless of their rating, all CBs listed may be chosen for certification.
Temporary suspension (red card) and cancelations of a CB are explicitly indicated next to the CB name. These CBs cannot be chosen for certification while the sanction is in effect.
Ratings range from 1 to 5 stars:
1 Unacceptable, low performance
2 Major improvement necessary
3 Some improvement necessary
4 Good performance
5 Excellent performance
Hover your mouse over the stars in the performance rating column to see the key performance indicators (KPIs) used for the rating.
Rating pending: There is not yet enough evidence collected within the evaluation criteria to establish an overall KPI rating. This does not mean bad performance.
Red Card: Suspension of the CB in accordance with the general regulations. Please note: cards are displayed as flags in the table below.
Yellow Card: Sanction imposed on the CB in accordance with the general regulations. Please note: cards are displayed as flags in the table below.
Member Seal: The CB is a GLOBAL S.L.P.. associate member. Read more here.
The Global Livestock Standard
Improving a Standard, offering solutions for a large community of Producers, Certification Bodies, Consultants and Members.